Voting improves your accuracy percentage and builds up your power on Tunefind.
- Click the orange “?” next to a song in the list.
- If you heard that song, select “Yes” to confirm and vote that the song is correct.
- If that song is wrong, select "No" to vote it is incorrect.
All songs have a minimum of 24 hours of open voting after submission. After that, a song will appear as verified after enough users with high accuracy have voted to confirm it is correct.
On current episodes of very popular, high-traffic shows or recently released movies, this may happen very quickly (often within the first 24 hours). On older shows and movies, it can take longer for enough votes to be cast in order to move a song to verified status.
- If a song is voted correct by the Tunefind community, it will receive a green check mark next to the song.
- If a song is voted incorrect by users, the song will be removed from the list.
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